Notational Conventions

Throughout this document the following conventions are used:

{ ... }
Curly braces group together whatever they enclose.

[ ... ]
Square brackets indicate that what they enclose is optional.

Braces or brackets followed by a star, e.g. { ... }*, indicate zero or more occurences of the enclosed item.

Braces or brackets followed by a plus sign, e.g. [ ... ]tex2html_wrap_inline$^+$ , indicate one or more occurences of the enclosed item.

A vertical bar is used to separate alternative in a braced or bracketed group, e.g. {thing1 | ...| thingn}.

is read as ``evaluates to'' and is used to indicate the values of various expressions in the language, e.g. (+ 1 2) $\Longrightarrow$ 3.

is read as ``is equivalent to'' and is used to indicate that one expression ``is equivalent to'' another, i.e that they have the same meaning. For example, (+ 1 2) ≡ (+ 2 1).

is read as ``has changed to'' and is used to specify things that have changed from T2 to T3.
